Since our first service in September 2018, our church has experienced tremendous growth. We have continued to add services (currently at 3) to keep up with growth. Our church property is almost 5 acres with only 2.2 being used for ministry space, currently. Our plan is to use ALL of the land God gifted us with! That's why we are currently raising funds to continue to teach the people of our community about Jesus!

When our church began in Pastor Eric & Meagan’s living room a few years ago, we didn’t have any idea how fast God would grow our church. In three years, we have grown to FOUR services. We have maxed out the available space we have. This is a problem, but a good one that we are eager to solve. A new worship center and kids space will allow us to reach more people with the love of God.
More on who those people are below…
Since our church began, the largest Christian University in Arizona moved in 1/4 mile west from us on Greenway Rd. Recently, a large apartment/housing development began construction on the property located directly west of our church. In the next year, an estimated 5,000 people will be moving in right next door to us. We need to be ready with open seats and opportunities for them to join our church.
The vision of our church has always been to operate like a community center. What does that mean? It means we are open all week long to meet the needs of the people who live in our community. Of course we’ll do church on Sunday’s, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. All throughout the week we will have: groups meeting to grow deeper in their faith, addiction recovery meetings, food pantry for those in need, facilities available for private schools to use, possible pre-school in the future, a gymnasium for people of all ages to come have workout classes/open gym, host concerts, a coffee shop, open space for young families to play with their kids…there is no limit to what we will be able to provide!